The problem with multiplayer first-person shooters (FPS) is the war never ends. You can win 100 battles or lose 100, but it does not matter. The war continues. The interminable cycle of death and rebirth, like the ebb and flow of the tide is the only evidence of change. I have died 12976 times only […]
A dutiful scholar should never be above the urge to create. Their soul drive is to explore, not to criticize. So, occasionally something creative appears. A muse calls and leaves three voicemail messages, then she sends a few more text messages for good measure. As a responsible individual, the scholar should respond promptly to such urgency. So here is her most recent message.
What is the heart of imagination? What causes someone to take external objects or concepts and the combine them to form an entirely unique whole? What sparked Joyce to write Finnegan’s Wake, a churning mass of layered literary allusions? What causes someone to produce something without any immediate points of reference?